Indonesia asset recovery / Japan anti-bribery enforcement / Thailand education corruption

Why has the long hunt for Soeharto’s ill-gotten wealth not produced results? (Editorial).  “In 1998, Soeharto fell as the head of the government, but his family’s roots remained intact in the Indonesian legislature.”

ASEAN Today:


Antibribery Group Presses Japan to Increase Its Enforcement.  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions said Japan has made some progress since the previous evaluation in 2011, but it also has one of the least stringent enforcement rates given the size and range of its economy.

Mengqi Sun/The Wall Street Journal:


Graft rife in schools, study finds.  The acts of corruption, said Assoc Prof Pornamarin Promgrid of Thailand’s Khon Kaen University, range from the embezzling of state funds, colluding to mark up prices of educational and school construction materials, as well as demanding bribes from parents who want their children to be enrolled in a particular school. “About 30% of the total budget are skimmed away by irresponsible officials and school directors," he added.

Bangkok Post:

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