G20 anti-corruption agenda / Myanmar drugs money / Facebook cryptocurrency risks

Keeping corruption on the global agenda (Blog).  “G20 Governments can help support [integrity] efforts by creating a level playing field through fair and transparent processes and fair, effective law enforcement which, collectively, will also help address areas such as inappropriate sales practices and regulatory capture.”

Nick Hirons and Robert Barrington/Voices for Transparency: https://voices.transparency.org/keeping-corruption-on-the-global-agenda-1e94f47c58bd


90 Pct. of Money Laundering Cases Tied to Drugs.  According to U Maung Maung Kyaw, director general of Myanmar’s Ministry of Home Affairs’ Bureau of Special Investigations, 90 percent of the money laundering cases his bureau investigates are tied to drugs.

Htet Naing Zaw/The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/90-pct-money-laundering-cases-tied-drugs.html


Facebook’s Libra – An Enabler of Money Laundering? (Opinion).  “Libra could very well become the enabler of money laundering on a massive scale – and no amount of legislation will be able to halt the problem, because each region will have different views, different levels of understanding of crypto, and different ways to regulate it.”

Charles Delingpole/Regulation Asia: https://www.regulationasia.com/facebooks-libra-an-enabler-of-money-laundering/

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