Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (4 May 2019): Solomon Islands, PNG, Fiji, Kiribati

Pacific media freedom and news ‘black holes’ worsen for World Press Freedom Day. While Pacific countries have got off rather lightly in a major global media freedom report last month with most named countries apparently “improving”, the reality is that politicians are becoming more intolerant and belligerent towards news media and information “black holes” are growing.



Riots in the Solomon Islands Greet Returned Prime Minister. After the relatively smooth election campaign in the Solomon Islands earlier this month — the first election since the withdrawal of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Island (RAMSI) peacekeeping forces — the hope was that the post-election period would be similarly calm.


Large pay rise for Solomons MPs labelled outrageous. An anti-corruption body in Solomon Islands says a pay rise for the country's politicians is ridiculous.



Move to roll PNG PM threatens $16 billion LNG deal. Moves to oust Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill over claims of financial mismanagement threaten a $16 billion gas deal agreed by Australia’s Oil Search just three weeks ago.



Former Teacher Faces Charges Involving $108k Fraud. A 44-year old former school teacher facing 147 charges of obtaining a financial advantage by deception appeared before Chief Magistrate Usaia Ratuvili at the Suva Magistrates Court in yesterday.



Allow media to help shine a light on Pacific issues (Opinion). I’m obviously talking about climate change, but also: commercial development that threatens the environment; the security and financial dangers that come with superpowers jostling for influence; high rates of infectious and non-communicable disease; and there’s the corruption.



To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC,

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP,

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC,

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