Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (5 Jan 2019): PNG, Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji

When the world discovered the Pacific: 2018 politics review.



APEC corruption allegations unlikely to amount to anything – Transparency.  Transparency International is doubtful anything concrete will come of corruption allegations against the Papua New Guinea government's excesses in hosting APEC last month.

Young political activist rises.  Hercules Jim is a youth leader and a spokesperson who advocates against corruption and fights for a free and fair Papua New Guinea where everyone will be seen and treated as equals. He is known by many in the country and the region.



Victims' families of Kiribati ferry disaster mull legal action.  A Kiribati NGO representing families of the victims of the Butiraoi ferry disaster says it could launch legal action against the government.



Govt. urged to develop whistle blower law.  The Public Service Commission has urged the Government to develop whistleblower legislation that was enacted in 2014.

Samoan Govt. could lose E.U. funding if tax woes not addressed. The Delegation of the European Union (E.U.) warned Samoa could lose out on funding if it still exists in the blacklist of “non-cooperative tax jurisdictions”.



Fiji opposition leader Rabuka says court’s election petition decision 'deeply disappointing'.  Fiji's opposition parties have issued a statement explaining why they withdrew an election petition in the Court of Disputed Returns.

Probe on alleged corruption completed. Internal investigations on alleged corrupt practices over the Lagilagi Housing Project have been completed.

$4 Million Thief Katia Gets 23 Years. Viliame Katia will spend 23 years in jail for corrupt-related offences, following a judgement made by High Court judge Justice Salesi Temo.


To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC,

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP,

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC,

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