Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (19 Jan 2019): Fiji, PNG, Vanuatu, Nauru

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Prime Fiji ‘Has A Case To Answer’.  Magistrate Deepika Prakash has ruled that contractor Prime Fiji has a case to answer in the mat­ter brought by the Fiji Independ­ent Commission Cor­ruption (FICAC).

Case of former Vodafone Fiji staff deferred to March. The Against former Vodafone employee is charged with two counts of bribery and one count of obtaining financial advantage

Issues raised with Fiji Code of Conduct Bill. A proposed law in Fiji which would jail or fine people found making a malicious complaint about a public official is ridiculous and curious, a prominent Suva lawyer says.



PNG failing to confront human rights issues – HRW. "We are seeing the pervasive problems of corruption, land confiscation without adequate compensation, gender based violence, police abuse, prison over-crowding - all of these are key challenges," Ms. Pearson said.

Bougainville public servants called on to lift their game. It comes amid a Papua New Guinea Fraud Squad investigation into allegations of corruption and misappropriation by government workers.

PNG super fund praises official after charges dropped. Papua New Guinea's national superannuation agency, NASFUND, says its chief investment officer was arrested for doing his job - enquiring into one of the companies it had invested in.



Vanuatu committee to consider pardoning former MPs. Vanuatu's justice minister has set up a committee to consider pardoning former members of parliament.

Vanuatu police warn about seasonal work scammers. Vanuatu's Police Fraud Unit has warned about scammers targeting seasonal workers, saying it has a number of registered cases related to this area.

Air Vanuatu bringing in ID checks on domestic flights. A statement from Air Vanuatu confirmed that ID checks will be introduced due to a high incidence of identity fraud in past years.

76% of people surveyed do not understand national budget.  76% of the people who were interviewed for the Citizens Budget Research Project spearheaded by Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV)said they do not know the national budget.



Nauru doctor wins global free speech award for speaking out on offshore immigration. A doctor on Nauru who blew the whistle on the deliberate medical neglect of refugees and asylum seekers on the island has been awarded a global award for free speech.


To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC,

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP,

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC,

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