Philippines military hospital / Myanmar forestry corruption / Thai anti-fraud chief



Duterte fires military hospital chief for corruption.  President Duterte fired the chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Medical Center, more popularly known by its old name V. Luna General Hospital, the head of its logistics office and 20 others reportedly for massive corruption involving millions. 

Edith Regalado/Philstar:


Lack of Funding Fueling Corruption in Forestry Sector, Senior Official Says.  More than 3,200 Forestry Department staff overseen by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation have been subject to disciplinary action over the past seven years for violations including bribery and corruption, negligence, misconduct, and poor performance, department director U Khin Maung Win said, adding that the problem is largely a result of under-funding.

Kyaw Myo/The Irrawaddy:


Critics blast junta’s abrupt firing of top anti-fraud chief.  The junta chairman invoked his absolute power and expelled the anti-money laundering director appointed by the cabinet just a month ago, drawing ire from the regime’s opponents.

Teeranai Charuvastra/Khaosod English:

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