Blockchain and aid / PACC probes Customs / Sharif story rundown

Can Blockchain Help Bypass the Problem of Corruption in Development Aid? (blog). "Blockchain technology would allow donors to transfer money to end users directly (and instantaneously), bypassing the formal financial institutions and corrupt bureaucracies that have often been the source of financial leakage, and preserving a transparent record of all transactions."

Heesu Chung/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


Duterte's anti-corruption body to probe collusion of Customs execs in shabu smuggling. The Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission will conduct its own probe into the entry of about P6.8 billion worth of shabu or methamphetamine hydrochloride in the country.

Phil Star:


Caged Lion of Punjab: The fall of Pakistan's ex-PM Sharif. A rundown by AFP on Sharif who "is starting one of the last chapters of his long career from a cell, where the 68-year-old is serving a 10-year sentence for corruption."


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