Hong Kong rail / Indian police bribery / Thai monk extradited

Hong Kong MTR’s HK$97.1 billion link scandal: consequences, loopholes and solutions. “On a radio programme…Democratic Party lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting, deputy chairman of the Legislative Council’s transport panel, said the existing mechanism mainly relied on signoffs made by professionals because this was taken to mean they were held accountable and had observed proper ethics.”
Kanis Leung/South China Morning Post:https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/2158939/hong-kong-mtrs-hk971-billion-link-scandal

To Check Corruption, Cops in Himachal Pradesh's Una Barred from Carrying over Rs 200.  Continuous complaints of policemen seeking bribes, especially from pilgrims coming from neighbouring Punjab to pay their obeisance at the temples located in Himachal Pradesh, had led the district police chief to introduce this measure.
News18: https://www.news18.com/news/india/to-check-corruption-cops-in-himachal-pradeshs-una-barred-from-carrying-over-rs-200-1841327.html

Disgraced 'jet set monk' sentenced to 114 years in jail in Thailand after US extradition.  A Thai court sentenced Wiraphon Sukhon, the disgraced former monk to 114 years in prison for charges including fraud, money laundering and computer crime.
Nicola Smith/The Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/08/10/disgraced-jet-set-monk-sentenced-114-years-jail-thailand-us/

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