UNDP Global Anti-Corruption Initiative (2014-2017): Strengthening an Integrated Anti-corruption Approach
To achieve the objectives of UNDP’s Strategic Plan (2013-2017) and respond to the growing demand from programming countries for policy and programme support on anti-corruption, UNDP launched its Global Anti-corruption Initiative (GAIN) (2014-2017) in the first half of 2014.
GAIN builds on the successes of the Global Thematic Programme on Anti-corruption for Development Effectiveness (PACDE) (2008-2013) and focuses on strengthening systems, institutions and civic engagement to better manage and deliver public resources and services with an objective of preventing and combating corruption.
GAIN adopts an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach on anti-corruption through improved partnerships and coordination both within and outside UN system.
For more information about GAIN, click here.
GAIN builds on the successes of the Global Thematic Programme on Anti-corruption for Development Effectiveness (PACDE) (2008-2013) and focuses on strengthening systems, institutions and civic engagement to better manage and deliver public resources and services with an objective of preventing and combating corruption.
GAIN adopts an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach on anti-corruption through improved partnerships and coordination both within and outside UN system.
For more information about GAIN, click here.