Back-to-Back Events: a) 8th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference, ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific; b) Workshop on Preventing Illicit Financial Flows: Financing Development in Asia-Pacific, UNDP/UNODC/ADB-OECD

The Kingdom of Cambodia will host the 8th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific and the back-to-back Workshop on Preventing Illicit Financial Flows: Financing Development in Asia-Pacific co-organized by UNDP, UNODC and ADB/OECD in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 3-5 September 2014.

8th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference (ADB/OECD)

The Conference will have the theme “Fighting Corruption and Building Trust”, and will discuss the key levers for restoring trust in government and building trust by and in the private sector and civil society. To this end, relevant case studies and experiences will be presented and discussed by experts from the 31 member countries and jurisdictions of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific, Advisory Group and observer countries, as well as civil society, media and private sector representatives. A preliminary agenda of the Conference is attached.

Workshop on Preventing Illicit Flows for Financing Development in Asia Pacific (UNDP, UNODC and ADB/OECD)

The Workshop aims at addressing the issue of illicit financial flows, looking at ways to turn this problem into an opportunity for financing development in the Asia-Pacific region. It will engage government officials from the Initiative’s 31 members and selected regional and international experts in a dialogue on how to prevent illicit financial flows and thus increase domestic resources for development. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the preliminary version of a discussion paper on illicit financial flows in Asia-Pacific prepared by Global Financial Integrity, focusing in particular on Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nepal. A preliminary agenda of the Workshop is attached.

If you are interested in attending the 8th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference and/or the Workshop, please contact and for additional information.

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