World Whistleblowers Day / Accural reporting for accountability / Case against high-denomination notes

World Whistleblowers Day 2021: speaking up against corruption is crucial for a just world, and we’re here to help (Statement).  “World Whistleblowers Day on 23 June is an occasion for us to celebrate the courageous individuals who come forward to report corruption…We’ll also keep on pushing for legal protection, so that whistleblowers can safely expose and help prevent corruption, ultimately building integrity across our societies.”

Transparency International:  


Improving Accountability Around The World Through Accruals.  “Corruption and cronyism has been hitting headlines around the world off the back of dubious procurement practices and a loosening of scrutiny brought about by the emergency situation. In this context, transparent accounts that support good decision making, accountability, and public trust are more important than ever before.”

Rob Whiteman:  


The Case Against High-Denomination Bank Notes (Blog).  “While some high-denomination notes are held by governments and by people without access to the banking system, a significant proportion of these notes are used for unlawful activities like paying bribes, laundering money, and evading taxes…The good news is that relatively few countries issue problematically large notes. In fact, unified action by the G20 would include nearly all high-denomination notes, and there is a good chance that the remaining few issuers could be persuaded to join as well.”

Sam Magaram/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  

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