Assemblage theory for reforms / Mongolia business licenses / Chinese contractor debarred

The Role of Assemblage Theory in Rethinking Anticorruption Reform (Blog).  “First, assemblage theory suggests that the reasons anticorruption reforms fail...might lie beyond the borders of individual countries…[Second,] assemblage theory encourages researchers and policymakers to track a vast array of actors, ideas, and objects that can help bring about change—an enterprise that may help expose relationships and engagements that are sometimes hidden.”

Grant Walton/The Global Anticorruption Blog:   


Mongolia: business licenses will be issued online, with a more transparent and open procedure.  “Mr. Sainzorig, Head of the Legal Policy Department of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia, briefed the public on the draft Law on License… Under this law, the licensing procedure will be conducted in electronic form, and human participation will be reduced.”

Indepdent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:


World Bank debars Chinese contractor for corruption in China.  “The World Bank Group has announced the two-year debarment of China-based Zhejiang First Hydro & Power Construction Group Co...according to the factors of the case [that] Zhejiang First Hydro’s de facto agent and subcontractor offered and paid bribes to two government officials in exchange for a contract.”

Global Construction Review:  

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