UNGASS opportunity for global agenda / Indonesia sacked investigator / Mongolia corruption risk assessment

An important opportunity to shape the global anti-corruption agenda (Blog).  “The UN General Assembly Special Session 2021, and its political declaration will provide the world with an opportunity to unite against corruption and move from commitment to action. UNDP reaffirms its commitment to supporting countries to strengthen transparency, accountability and anti-corruption in all development areas, to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs for people and our planet.”

Sarah Lister and Anga Timilsina/UNDP: https://www.undp.org/blogs/important-opportunity-shape-global-anti-corruption-agenda  


Indonesian graft agency could be doomed, says sacked investigator.  “Bespectacled and blinded in one eye after a 2017 acid attack, Indonesia's most well-known anti-corruption investigator, Novel Baswedan, said his sacking last month could sound the death knell for the country's popular anti-graft body (KPK)… He is one of 75 employees dismissed for failing a civil service examination at an agency that has prosecuted hundreds of politicians, officials and businessmen over nearly two decades - and made powerful enemies.”

Stanley Widianto and Kate Lamb/Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/indonesian-graft-agency-could-be-doomed-says-sacked-investigator-2021-06-03/    


Mongolia: corruption risk assessment in public institution.  “There are approximately 4200 government institutions in Mongolia. Therefore, it is not possible to conduct corruption risk assessment only on the initiative of the IAAC. Furthermore, it is necessary for government institutions to conduct corruption risk assessments on their initiative and take specific steps to improve their operation, in accordance with the framework of anti-corruption prevention.”

Indepdent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia: https://www.iaac.mn/news/mongolia-corruption-risk-assessment-in-public-institution/

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