Thailand Toyota bribery case / Myanmar post-coup everyday bribery / Malaysia corruption culture

DOJ Takes Toyota Thai Bribery Probe To Texas Grand Jury.  “The provisions meant to prevent corruption not only seem ineffective, they may be adding layers of red tape. We need measures to prevent graft balanced with the flexibility required for the government to be responsive in a crisis, be it in this pandemic or something else in the future.”



Anxiety, bribes and bullies: A journey through post-coup Myanmar.  “This is not a good time to travel without a Citizenship Scrutiny Card. Those who do are advised to carry extra cash to pay off soldiers and police at checkpoints… and to scrub their phones before their journey.”

Frontier Myanmar:  


‘Corruption virus’ due to lack of transparency, accountability.  “A lack of transparency and accountability by people in positions of influence and power is like a virus that has infected all facets of Malaysian life… Political scientist Prof Wong Chin Huat said beyond institutional failures, what drives the Malaysian corruption culture is a sense.”

Hakem Hassan/The Sun Daily:  

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