Indonesia popular documentary / Malaysia on beneficial ownership / Myanmar speech at UNGASS

The EndGame film about the weakening of the KPK draws attention, WatchDoc is flooded with requests for Nobar.  “[The EndGame:] The Final Round Against Corruption, a documentary by Watchdoc Documentary Maker, has captured the public's attention…The EndGame film premiered on Saturday (5/5) last weekend. Watchdoc Documentary Maker shows the film for free and is open to all levels of society, through the nobar system.”

Reza Gunadha/Suara:  


Don't let the corrupt hide behind shell companies, UN members urged.  “In her first address to the UN General Assembly, Center to Combat Corruption and Corruption (C4) executive director Cynthia Gabriel [from Malaysia] called upon its member states to develop solutions to further strengthen the international anti-corruption framework…Gabriel urged them to introduce public registries of beneficial company owners…”



Myanmar’s UN envoy tells General Assembly about corruption in Myanmar.  “Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar gave a speech to the United Nations in New York at the Special Session of the UN General Assembly Plenary on Challenges and Measures to Prevent and Combat Corruption and Strengthen International Cooperation this week. Here is the full text of his speech”


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