Calls for International Anti-Corruption Court / Mongolia external influence on investigators / Republic of Korea new anti-corruption agency

Declaration calls for an International Anti-Corruption Court.  “[More] than one hundred world leaders from over forty countries have signed a declaration calling for the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court, in short IACC. The statement says that this new international body “is urgently needed to promote democracy and human rights, protect human life and health, and enhance international peace and security.””

Democracy Without Borders:  


Mongolia: external influence on investigators.  “The Asia Foundation's Evaluation Team under the Asian Development Bank-supported “Strengthening the Anti-Corruption System” project in Mongolia, conducted questionnaires and one-on-one interviews with investigators from the Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia to determine whether there is any external influence in the lawful, fair, and independent investigation of corruption cases, and its negative impact. The assessment reveals that most respondents experience some sort of external influence, which has a major negative impact on the investigation”

Indepdent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:  


Reforming South Korea’s New Anticorruption Agency: How to Promote Independence without Inducing Paralysis (Blog).  “the Ministers of Justice and Court Administration should be removed from the [Recommendation Committee of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials] and replaced with members less likely to succumb to the President’s influence, such as deans from the top law schools or prominent legal scholars…[or] have a representative from an intergovernmental organization, such as the United Nations or IMF, serve as a rotating member on the Committee.”

Vincent Wu/Global Anticorruption Blog:  

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