Mongolia prevention saves $10 million / International vetting for public office / Thailand corruption post-coup

Mongolia: corruption prevention activity has saved over $10 million.  “One of the primary functions in corruption prevention is to review these regulations to discover if there is a bureaucracy, unnecessary steps in providing civil service that may cause corruption…As a result of the corruption prevention activity, vehicle importers and citizens of Mongolia save up to 30.4 billion tugriks ($10.6 million) annually.”

Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:  

Thank you to Erkhemjargal Odsuren, IAAC, for sharing this article.


To Trust is to Choose: International experts vetting candidates for public office (Blog).  “Countries where state institutions are perceived as corrupt all share a similar dilemma: Why should citizens trust a candidate for public office who was selected by a state body which citizens simply don’t trust? In light of this dilemma, Ukraine came up with an innovative mechanism: Giving international experts a decisive role in selecting candidates for public office.”

Tilman Hoppe, Anthony Hooper and José Igreja Matos/Verfassungsblog:

Thank you to Dr. Tilman Hoppe for sharing this article.


Was anything accomplished by the military coups we had in the last two decades? (Opinion).  “If the goal of the coups was to end corruption once and for all then the 2014 coup has failed spectacularly as well…Ask any businesses leader and they will tell you that corruption is actually more endemic, the rates much higher, and more prevalent under the current government than the previous ones.”

Cod Satrusayang/Thai Enquirer:  

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