India agriculture reform bills / Mongolia parliament oath amended / Global anti-corruption summits 2021

India’s Agriculture Reform Bills May Not Be Perfect, But They Can Help Fight Rampant Corruption (Blog).  “The government shouldn’t take away the [Minimum Support Price] safety net without transitional support…and India’s Competition Commission should be given a strong role in ensuring free and fair competition. And more safeguards should be added to guard against corruption in the administrative dispute resolution system for private sale contracts.”

Disha Verma/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


The oath of a member of the Mongolian parliament has been amended.  “Prior to this change, the oldest member of the Parliament read out the oath, “As a member of the Parliament of Mongolia, I swear to uphold the interests of all citizens and the state, respect the state law, and perform my duties honestly” and the other members follow him or her and repeat this oath. However, in accordance with the amendments to the relevant law, the words “to be free from corruption and conflict of interest” were added to the oath”

Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia (IAAC):  

Thank you to Erkhemjargal Odsuren, IAAC, for sharing this article.


Open Opportunities: Making the Most of 2021 Global Summits (Blog). “As the world looks to a post-pandemic future, a number of global fora in 2021 offer opportunities to chart the course toward building back better and renewing our democracies.” Explore the link below for an overview of the remaining 2021 calendar of summits to advance democracy and anti-corruption.

Abigail Bellows/Open Government Partnership:  

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