Malaysia corporate liability law / Pakistan police anti-corruption / Psychology of corruption

AI: Using analytics to stem the rising tide of corporate fraud in Malaysia.  “Small and medium enterprises and both the public and private sectors are usually exposed to fraudulent supply chains, fraudulent procurement, fraudulent expenses, fraudulent invoices…“In general, the appropriate legislative framework is in place in Malaysia. For example, the recent section 17A amendment to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, to introduce corporate liability for corruption offences, is world class,”

Jonathan Lim/The Edge Markets:  


Steps taken to stop corruption in FIR registration.  “Inspector General of the Federal Capital Police said that basic rationale of corruption in police stations is registration of first information report (FIR)… a policy of free registration of cases has been adopted and as a result more than 370 cases pending in different police station of Islamabad have been converted into FIRs and optimistically corruption for registering FIRs will be reduced”

Shakeel Anjum/The News:  


The psychology of corruption (Opinion).  “[Studies] show that corruption spreads primarily through exposure, until it becomes endemic…The problem lies in sociopolitical systems. For example, if citizens witness that those in authority suffer no consequences when flaunting quarantine rules, they will find it harder to comply with these.”

Queena N. Lee-Chua/Inquirer:  

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