Call for papers - supranational anti-corruption responses / Corruption as social norm / Mongolia international anti-corruption agreements

Call for Papers: Anti-Corruption Symposium, 18-19 November 2021, Vienna, Austria.  “The organizers are inviting paper or short essay proposals from scholars, private sector professionals, international organizations professionals, policymakers, public officials, civil society organizations, and the broader international anti-corruption community. The deadline to submit aproposal is 15 May 2021.”

International Anti-Corruption Academy:,-18-19-november-2021,-vienna,-austria.html  


Is it a Social Norm, or Something Else? The Curious Case of a Traffic Police Officer in India (Blog).  “Since I started working with the Corruption, Justice and Legitimacy Program (CJL), I have learned that it is not easy to apply social norms frameworks to real life situations... this post takes a common corruption scenario and applies the CJL social norms framework to it in order to illustrate the process to our readers.”

Dhaval Kothari/Tufts University:  


Mongolia: Importance of international agreement on corruption crime investigation.  Under the auspices of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, the Parliament of Mongolia…established The Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC)… the number of detected corruption crimes is increasing year by year… Currently, Mongolia has signed 28 bilateral agreements with 20 countries, including 17 Agreements on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal, 17 Agreement on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Civil and Commercial matters, 17 Agreement on Extradition of Offenders, and 9 Agreement on Extradition of Convicted Offenders.”

Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:  

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