Electoral systems and corruption / Philippines mining sector / Malaysia bank loan scandal

Do More Candidate-Centric Electoral Systems Help Reduce Corruption? (Blog).  “One might expect that in the open list system, voters would be less likely to choose candidates who had been involved in this corruption scandal when they had been reminded of their involvement. But we did not find any statistically meaningful difference in the vote choices of those who received this additional information, as compared to other respondents who did not.”

Rumilda Cañete-Straub, Josepa Miquel-Florensa, Stéphane Straub, and Karine Van der Straeten/The Global Anticorruption Blog: https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2021/03/23/guest-post-do-more-candidate-centric-electoral-systems-help-reduce-corruption/  


Philippines: Embracing Transparency Critical for Mining Sector (Opinion).  “This month, when the [Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative] begins the process of validating our progress in meeting its standards, it will have a golden opportunity to help create accountability in the governance of extractives and address other problems that still afflict mining in the Philippines.”

Anj Dacanay/The Diplomat: https://thediplomat.com/2021/04/philippines-embracing-transparency-critical-for-mining-sector/     


In Kuala Lumpur, MACC arrests ex-bank president who allegedly received RM8m bribe to approve RM400m loan.  “A former bank president-cum-managing director with the “Datuk” title was among four individuals arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)…[He] had allegedly given special treatment by approving the loan without following the procedure set and without due diligence due to the bribe offered.”

Malay Mail: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2021/03/31/in-kuala-lumpur-macc-arrests-ex-bank-president-who-allegedly-received-rm8m/1962675    

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