Balancing probity and economic activity / Alliance for Integrity global conference / Mongolia US$1.4 million recovered

Prevention of corruption should not stymie the creation of credit.  “This column makes the case that governance is not an outright morality play, but a delicate balancing act between probity and economic activity. We wish to make it clear that we do not posit the two as polar opposites either.”

V. Anantha Nageswaran and Aankhi Ghost/Mint:   


4th Global Conference of Alliance for Integrity: Achieving Business Integrity through Collection Action – Success, Lessons and Challenges.  “While showcasing its own experiences, the Alliance for Integrity invites a diverse set of speakers…to reflect how Collective Action can be leveraged even further, which new and innovative ways of cooperation are possible, where potentials for upscaling and replications exist and how specific challenges of different actors can be taken into account. In addressing these questions, this Conference [27-29 April] will demonstrate how Collective Action can be a key to achieving business integrity for a sustainable economic environment.” Agenda and registration link below.

Alliance for Integrity:  


$1.4 million confiscated in corruption case.  “Mongolian Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC) seized US$1.4 million in the course of an investigation of the corruption case involving “Salkhit Silver Mine” located in the country’s central region. Following the First Instance District Criminal Court of Ulaanbaatar Resolution …and the Supreme Court order, IAAC transferred US$1.4 million seized during an investigation to the Budget Revenue Treasury converting it into state income”

Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia (IAAC):

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