Social network interventions / Govtech for anti-corruption / Malaysia wildlife crimes
Social network interventions to tackle corruption. “Although social networks can fuel and facilitate corruptive practices, our GI-ACE [Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence Research Programme]project aims to harness the power of social networks to instead promote positive anti-corruption outcomes.
Tobias Stark/Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence Research Programme:
Here's how tech can help governments fight corruption. “Govtech start-ups can disrupt the way governments deliver value and empower citizens. They can help the public sector absorb digital disruptions and data insights to increase efficiency and transparency in the delivery of public services.”
World Economic Forum:
International Anti-Corruption Day 2019: How Corruption Facilitates Wildlife Crimes (Podcast). “[Earth Matters speaks] to Elizabeth John, a Senior Communications Officer with TRAFFIC, to discuss how corruption facilitates wildlife crimes here in Malaysia.”
Earth Matters: