Bangladesh efforts' limits / Social media usage / Indonesia protesters commemoration

Unveiling the limits of anti-corruption drive (Opinion).  “…it is hard to expect the much-hyped anti-corruption drive [in Bangladesh] to be a magic bullet, nor will it be surprising if it remains limited to only a few spent forces and at best prove to be palliatives for some selected syndromes while the deeper and structural problem stays on.

Iftekharuzzaman/The Daily Star:

Thank you to Transparency International Bangladesh for sharing this article.


Why You Should be Using Social Media to Change Corrupt Behaviors (Blog).  “Using communications to amplify positive deviants—people who model the desired behavior, especially if they are few and far between—can also go a long way towards countering social norms that encourage a harmful behavior and incentivizing people to adopt the positive behavior.”

Elizabeth Robinson/Tufts University:


KPK to name Anti-Corruption Learning Center room after deceased protesters.  [Indonesia’s] Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will name one of the rooms in its Anti-Corruption Learning Center after two protesters who died during the nationwide student rallies over a several controversial bills, including a revision to the KPK Law, in late September.”

The Jakarta Post:

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