Myanmar Corruption Prevention Units / Land deals investigation / Corporate governance paradigm
Myanmar’s Corruption Prevention Units (Blog). “Only established in 2019, Myanmar’s [Corruption Prevention Units] are already a promising example for a locally appropriate model for collaboration. This nurtures hopes that Myanmar will continue its walk towards reducing corruption and poverty in the years to come.”
Kaspar Burger/United Nations Development Programme:
Follow the permits: How to identify corruption red flags in Indonesian land deals (Blog/Resource). “Whether it is land-rights conflicts, criminalization, companies operating illegally, or something else, identifying questionable practices in the licensing and trade of mining and plantation companies can provide essential context.”
National News Bureau of Thailand:
A Corporate Governance Paradigm Shift (Blog). INSEAD Professor Loïc Sadoulet spoke about the critical role of good governance and better information: “We need to have better investment in what the future’s going to be.”
Sonia Tatar/INSEAD: