Malaysia stocks requirement / Viet Nam non-state actors / Myanmar business outlook

Bursa Malaysia amends Main and ACE market listing requirements in relation to anti-corruption measures.  “In an effort to enhance the quality and integrity of listed issuers on Bursa Malaysia Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia” or the “Exchange”), the Exchange has amended the Main and ACE Market Listing Requirements (collectively “Listing Requirements”) [effective 1 June 2020,] to encapsulate anti-corruption measures (“Anti-Corruption Amendments”) in support of the National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023.” 

Bursa Malaysia:


Enhancing anti-corruption law enforcement in non-state sector.  The enforcement of the anti-corruption law in enterprises and organisations in the non-state sector was the focus of a forum held in Hanoi by the Government Inspectorate in coordination with UNDP and the British Embassy in Vietnam.

Vietnam Plus:


European firms have positive outlook on Myanmar.  More than a third of the survey respondents said that the local business environment had greatly improved or improved over the last 12 months, marking a 19 percentage-point increase from last year… The challenges limiting Myanmar’s potential for growth are quite similar compared to last year. These include lack of clarity and efficiency of the regulatory frameworks, legal uncertainty and a shortage of skilled people.”

Thiha Ko Ko/Myanmar Times:

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