International Anti-Corruption Day / UNDP anti-corruption priorities / Viet Nam Anti-Corruption Initiative

International Anti-Corruption Day - United against corruption for development, peace and security (Campaign resource).  The global campaign #UnitedAgainstCorruption focuses on corruption as one of the biggest obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find out about the campaigns and its communications materials via the link below.

United Nations:


Ensuring sustainable solutions to combatting corruption (Blog).  “Learning from our anti-corruption work in the past decade, we, together with our development partners and the anti-corruption development community in general, have identified four key priority areas of interventions for the ‘Next Generation of Anti-Corruption Programming’: Sustainable Development Goal 16 (#SDG16) and anti-corruption; technology and innovation; business integrity; and social accountability.”

Haoliang Xu/United Nations Development Programme:


Experts gather to discuss anti-corruption.  “Poor governance, lack of transparency and corruption can undermine any efforts (for quality infrastructure development) due to weak human resources, increased operational costs and the selection of unqualified contractors,” said Diana Torres, ‘Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN’ Project Manager, UNDP.

Viet Nam News:

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