Open source intelligence / Bhutan IACD celebration / Social media use

International Anti-Corruption Day (Blog/Video).  To engage anti-corruption agencies, civil society and individuals interested in the use of open source intelligence to combat corruption, the video (posted below) on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for Anti-Corruption Agencies was produced.”

The ABA Rule of Law Initiative Blog:

Thank you to Elisabeth Baraka from the American Bar Association for sharing this article.


Joining International Community to observe the Anti-Corruption Day 2019.  “The Resident Representative of the UNDP joined the Chairperson of the [Anti-Corruption Commission] to highlight the importance of the [International Anti-Corruption Day and Business Integrity Initiative of Bhutan (BIIB).”

Anti-Corruption Commission [of Bhutan]:


Why You Should be Using Social Media to Change Corrupt Behaviors (Blog).  “Using communications to amplify positive deviants—people who model the desired behavior, especially if they are few and far between—can also go a long way towards countering social norms that encourage a harmful behavior and incentivizing people to adopt the positive behavior.”

Elizabeth Robinson/Tufts University:

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