Indonesia film festival / Reclaiming inclusivity agenda / ADB corporate governance

Indonesia's anti-graft body holds anti-corruption film festival.  “The [Indonesian] anti-graft body (KPK)'s spokesperson, Febri Diansyah, said  films, songs, poems, tales, photos, comics and similar artistic products are important in bringing anti-corruption values through art.”

Antara News:


Reclaiming the Inclusivity Agenda: Further Notes on the ‘Reform-Revolution Continuum’ (Blog).  “The broad community of groups advancing transparency, participation, accountability, open government, social accountability and anti-corruption face the danger of assimilation, cooptation and dilution in favor of the agenda of the establishment by staying the same, dismissive of the changing world.”

Joy Aceron/G-Watch:


ADB to Help Private Sector Enhance Corporate Governance and Anticorruption Initiatives.  “As ADB looks to increase its private sector operations to one-third of total operations by 2024 with more focus on new markets, including fragile and conflict-affected states and small island developing countries, it will work to further improve corporate governance and compliance with global standards on integrity and transparency among its private sector partners.”

Asian Development Bank:

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