Universal Health Coverage / Barclays Asia-Pacific hiring / Japan electricity execs

Corruption: A neglected obstacle to achieving UHC.  “According to…Transparency International, corruption in the health care industry “kills an estimated 140,000 children a year, fuels the global rise in anti-microbial resistance, and hinders the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases.” In total, the report links corruption to annual losses of more than $500 billion, which it notes is more than it would cost to bring about UHC worldwide.”

Malia Politzer/Devex: https://www.devex.com/news/corruption-a-neglected-obstacle-to-achieving-uhc-95603 


Barclays pays SEC $6.3 million to settle ‘referral hiring’ FCPA violations.  Barclays PLC paid the SEC $6.3 million to settle US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act offenses related to the hiring of relatives of public officials in Asia. From at least 2009 until August 2013, businesses within Barclays Asia Pacific Region (APAC) hired 117 job candidates referred by or connected to foreign government officials or non-government clients.

Harry Cassin/The FCPA Blog: https://www.fcpablog.com/blog/2019/9/27/barclays-pays-sec-63-million-to-settle-referral-hiring-fcpa.html


Kansai Electric to disclose names of 20 executives involved in Fukui nuclear scandal.  “Kansai Electric Power Co. plans to disclose the names of 20 executives who received money and goods from a former deputy mayor of a town that hosted one of its nuclear plants… the company is also expected to discuss its plans to set up an investigation panel to check whether similar cases exist in departments other than those related to nuclear power plants, sources familiar with the matter said.”

The Japan Times: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/09/30/national/kansai-electric-20-executives-fukui-nuclear-scandal-corruption/#.XZRwLkYzY2w

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