Malaysia future vision / Quantifying grand corruption / Better blended finance

GIACC bent on erasing Malaysia’s kleptocrat label.  “Speaking to Bernama in an interview here, Anis Yusal said according to data from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, more than 60% of corruption cases involved the public services sector. And, almost 42% of this sector’s cases involved public procurement.”

The Sun Daily:


Plundering the future: Why the IMF must quantify grand corruption (Blog).  “If the IMF wishes to make a difference in the lives of people around the world, it must undertake two analyses that would change the conversation on grand corruption. First…an annual assessment of grand corruption in all countries and publish the dollar value of that analysis… Second…an opportunity cost analysis of the stolen assets.”

Tom Cardamone and Maureen Heydt:


Better blending: How the world bank can promote transparency in financing sustainable development.  “Ultimately, blended finance provides an innovative set of tools that could bring in billions of dollars from the private sector to help achieve the SDGs. Establishing greater transparency and accountability can encourage more, and better, private investment in low- and middle-income countries, and instill greater confidence in donors, beneficiaries and private investors.”

Transparency International:

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