Indonesia KPK case / China's corrupt meritocracy / Malaysia SPV 2030

Indonesian Anticorruption Institutions at Risk, Part 1: The Significance of the KPK’s First Acquittal (Blog).  “An important precursor to [recent] events was the KPK’s first loss in court. Until this past July, the KPK had not, since its establishment in 2003, lost any of the hundreds of cases it had brought to full trial.”

Simon Butt/The Global Anticorruption Blog: 


China’s Corrupt Meritocracy (Opinion).  “What both camps fail to grasp is the symbiotic relationship between corruption and performance in China’s fiercely competitive political system.”

Yuen Yuen Ang/Project Syndicate:


‘Corruption and abuse must stop’.  “The government intends to hit the ground running with Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV 2030) and will not hesitate to “amputate the cancerous limbs” of corruption and abuse of power which had failed past policies, says Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.”

The Star: 

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