Business anti-corruption contribution / TI School reflections / Managing corruption risk

How can the private sector contribute to anti-corruption? (Video).  Manisha Dogra, VP Sustainability for Asia at Telenor, talks about how responsible business conduct is part of her company's business strategy.

United Nations Development Programme on LinkedIn:


Problems in Procurement: Reflections from the Transparency International School on Integrity (Blog).  “It is evident that poor procurement has far-reaching consequences and it is clearly necessary to continue to strive to improve its processes at all stages, reducing cost and waste — from the initial assessment stage to the completion of the agreed contract.”

Joseph Moore/Transparency International:


How can you protect you and your firm from bribery and corruption? (Opinion).  “Managing bribery and corruption risk is a balance of culture and controls. Culture to set the tone of what behaviour is expected and systems and controls to manage the risk, such as carrying out due diligence on third parties.”

Simone Jones/Financier Worldwide:

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