Transparent procurement systems / Viet Nam new regulations / Myanmar business ease

Transparent procurement systems: good for the public, the private sector and the SDGs (Blog).  “To achieve the ambitious task of reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, our procurement systems must become ever more transparent and accountable.”



Vietnam Issues New Regulations Implementing Its Anti-corruption Law, Effective 15 August 2019.  “Although the provisions in the New Regulations pertaining to gifts do not impose affirmative obligations on gift givers in the private sector, such regulations are important to keep in view because a gift given to a public official will have to be disclosed by the official if it was given for an unlawful purpose.”

Jeff Olson/Conventus Law:


Myanmar Among World Bank’s Top 20 for Business Ease Improvements.  “…a new company law is also strengthening minority investor protection by mandating greater disclosure of transactions with interested parties, increasing director liability and requiring greater corporate transparency.”

Nan Lwin/The Irrawaddy: 

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