Indonesia better cabinet / India RTI enforcement / Malaysia 1MDB progress

Wanted: Better Cabinet.  “From a worsening security and political situation in Papua to forest fires and student protests against the amendment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Law, the President has not only had to stave off resistance and opposition from the public but also from his own ruling coalition.”

The Jakarta Post:


Zero Transparency In Uttar Pradesh? No RTI Reports Published In 14 Years, Shows Study.  India’sUttar Pradesh has not published a single report mandatory under the Right To Information or RTI Act since the transparency law came into being in 2005. In contrast, Chhattisgarh is the only state which brought out all its yearly reports,



Mother of all scams coming to light in Malaysia.  “While court hearings expose the extent of 1MDB corruption, authorities move to prevent a repeat of the massive scandal”

Nile Bowie/Asia Times:

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