Mongolia open data / Bangladesh hunger strike / Iran systemic corruption

Using open data to expose corruption in Mongolia (Blog).  “Nepotism in the awarding of government loans stripped many enterprises of their chances to develop and grow. Access to public information helped uncover the scheme and hold those involved accountable.”

Transparency International: 


Hunger strike in front of ACC office against corruption and looting.  ““Bangladesh against Corruption and Looting” organized the program in front of Anti-Corruption Commission office (ACC) in the city’s Segun Bagicha, demanding to bring the big fishes under trial.

Mehedi Al Amin/Dhaka Tribune:


Iran's conservatives are saying it: Corruption is 'systemic' (Opinion).  “In autocratic systems, every now and then, a campaign emerges under the banner of fighting corruption. The main reason is to buy legitimacy for the system.”

Shahir Shahidsaless/Middle East Eye:

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