TI tracks IMF / Higher education corruption / Bangladesh airline report

The trillion dollar question: the IMF and anti-corruption one year on.  [Transparency International] looked at 60 of the reports published since the announcement of [IMF’s] new enhanced anti-corruption framework and compared them to the most recent previous report available for each country.

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/the_trillion_dollar_question_the_imf_and_anti_corruption_one_year_on


Call to fight the spread of corruption in HE globally (Opinion).  “[A] report found that, although in general [Accreditation and quality assurance bodies] AQABs have a range of sanctions they can apply to institutions to persuade them to address any evident corruption and malpractice, “most methods adopted for evaluating institutions are unlikely to uncover evidence of corruption”.

Brendan O’Malley: https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20190412095537415


Why is Biman marred by a litany of corruption?  The state-owned Biman airline faces a litany of corruption allegations for most related sectors, such as cargo transport, aircraft leasing, and ticket sales. The reported corruption could be a major reason the national carrier was not profitable in the previous fiscal year.

Chowdhury Akbor Hossain/Dhaka Tribune: https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/corruption/2019/04/14/why-is-biman-marred-by-a-litany-of-corruption

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