India politics money / What 1MDB means / Myanmar improves image

How can India cleanse its politics of money? (Blog).  “First, [the Election Commission] can increase its control over campaign expenditures… Second, the EC needs to be more aggressive in using its power to issue advisory opinions on the post-election ineligibility of sitting MPs and MLAs.”

Disha Verma/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


1MDB scandal / Why the region’s corrupt politicians should watch the 1MDB trial closely (Opinion).  Asia Institute Tasmania director James Chin breaks down what the nation’s most high-profile trial means for the region’s once-untouchable political elite.

Paul Millar/Southeast Asia Globe:


Myanmar works to improve corruption image.  “Another challenge for Myanmar is to build an overall system of corruption prevention, capable of addressing corruption in procurement as well as issues such as conflict of interest, trading in influence and abuse of authority.”

Thompson Chau/Myanmar Times:

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