Quality boardrooms governance / China fungal bribes / Myanmar mining official

Quality boardrooms to sustain growth.  “The IOD will strengthen teams that engage with companies and push analysts to look beyond corporate governance rules into questions of boardroom behaviour and culture.

Chiratas Nivatpumin/Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/news/1654488/quality-boardrooms-to-sustain-growth


China's latest anti-corruption scandal features Himalayan Viagra fungus worth more than gold.  An anti-corruption body in China's Qinghai Province announced a three-month campaign, cracking down on officials being bribed with the “Himalayan Viagra” fungus.

Tasha Wibawa/ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-29/china-anti-corruption-probe-target-himalayan-viagra/10941362


Senior Mining Enterprise Official Arrested for Corruption.  U Than Daing, the managing director of the government’s mining enterprise was arrested on corruption charges, allebedly requesting a payment of about US$ 2,162 from a company hired to level land in Zabuthiri Township, Naypyitaw as well as to cover the hotel fees his family incurred while on vacation.

San Yamin Aung/The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/senior-mining-enterprise-official-arrested-corruption.html

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