Myanmar low-cost solution / Bangladesh officials punished / Chinese billionaire visa

A Low-Cost, No-Tech Solution to Petty Corruption: Stickers (Blog).  "In the efforts to address corruption in developing countries, high-tech solutions are often given a lot of attention, due to both the power of technology to solve complex problems and perhaps the novelty of using a high-tech solution… Stickers are a refreshingly simple, no-tech solution to a complicated set of problems faced by developing governments, and may provide sustainable, maintainable, easy-to-use systems for combating petty corruption.”

Jetson Leder-Luis/The Global Anti-Corruption Blog:


634 govt officials punished for irregularities, corruption.  Bangladesh’s State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain said the ministry has punished the officials for violating the laws, per the Prime Minister’s ‘zero-tolerance’ stance against it.

Dhaka Tribune:


Special treatment and a one-on-one lunch with Peter Dutton: how Huang lobbied for a visa.  Chinese Communist Party-aligned billionaire Huang Xiangmo paid tens of thousands of dollars to a former Australian Liberal minister to secure a one-on-one meeting with Peter Dutton as Mr. Huang mounted a back-room campaign to win Australian citizenship.

Nick McKenzie/The Sydney Morning Herald:

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