Singapore double-down / Promising tool / Cambodia Facebook
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COMMENTARY: Why Singapore's
businesses must double-down on due diligence and corporate compliance. "For Singapore-based firms working across borders, the lure
of a unified ASEAN marketplace presents cross-border trade opportunities that
are important and lucrative, but also highlights challenges, particularly when
maintaining a consistent due diligence process."
Read the commentary by Leas Bachatene, in
Singapore Business:
COMMENTARY: A Promising New Tool
To Fight Corruption. "[A High Level Reporting
Mechanism or HLRM] provides a reporting channel that companies can use to
report corrupt behavior they encounter during a public process, such as a
tender. An HLRM presents an alternative mechanism to companies who need to deal
with corruption allegations swiftly, rather than waiting for the outcome of a
criminal investigation. An HLRM can also provide an enforceable independent
mechanism to resolve commercial disputes in countries where criminal law
enforcement is unduly influenced by politics. To be clear, an HLRM does not aim
to replace formal, judicial reporting channels. Rather, the HLRM is used for
rapid response and is advantageous particularly in situations where a swift clarification
is critical for business, as when allegations of corruption affect a tender
process that is still open."
Read the post by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ç. Olgu Kama, and Burcu Ergün, in
the Global Anticorruption Blog:
INFO: Prime Minister opens Facebook
inbox to graft complaints. Cambodia Prime Minister
Hun Sen is encouraging citizens to send corruption complaints to his personal
Facebook inbox, with attached evidence, in what he said was a move to bolster
anti-graft efforts.
Read the story by Kuch Naren and Tej Parikh, in The
Cambodia Daily: