Nauru MPs / Marshall audit / Samoa vote / Solomon trial / PNG minister

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P a c i f i c   A n t i - C o r r u p t i o n   U p d a t e s
From the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) Project, a joint four-year initiative of the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, with support from the Australian Government. Updates shared by Annika Wythes, Luisa Senibulu, Samita Singh, and Mihaela Stojkoska.
MPs Work with Community on New Leadership Code. Community consultation is being fully embraced by Parliamentarians on Nauru – the world’s smallest island state with just 10,000 residents, as they establish their nation’s first Leadership Code.
Nauru community takes up Accountability role. Thirty-five local civil society leaders met in Nauru on the week of March 7 to learn about social accountability and how the community can have more genuine input and oversight into Nauru’s services, governance and accountability.

Marshall Islands:
Audit Shows Misuse of Funds at Environment Authority.
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority management and staff used public money to buy air conditioners for their homes, cell phone cards, and food from local stores where EPA had accounts, the latest auditor general report to the parliament shows.

Vote buying allegations disappointing.  Samoa's acting electoral commissioner says it's disappointing to hear allegations of vote buying in the election.

Solomon Islands:
MP’s trial date to be fixed. A trial date for the Member of Member of Parliament for East Guadalcanal Bradley Tovosia and former Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke will be fixed soon.

Forest Minister urged to allow audit. The Papua New Guinea Forest Minister has been urged by a transparency and environmental NGO to allow an audit of financial reporting by the logging industry.

For more information on the UN-PRAC Project, you may get in touch with:
Annika Wythes, Anti-Corruption Adviser - Pacific, UNODC,
Luisa Senibulu, Governance Programme Associate, UNDP/UNODC,
Samita Singh, Programme Assistant - Anti-Corruption, UNDP/UNODC,

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