India Govt. and UNDP develop nat'l pool of trainers on leadership skills and ethics

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The Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme India has developed a national-level pool of trainers to conduct training on two thematic areas: Leadership Skills and Ethics. The pool of trainers brings with it the skills and experience of retired and serving officers and faculty of government training institutes.

The pool consists of 53 trainers who have undergone rigorous training on a high quality module developed by reputed institutes and delivered by scientifically trained National Facilitators on a pan India and international basis to ensure better learning of the skills. The trainers have been trained and assessed by the Centre for Creative Leadership and certified by the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India.

The modules have sufficient flexibility to account for local and regional variations. The concept is based on an officer-teach-officer model where trainees learn both from the module and from the personal experiences and sharing of the facilitators. The methodology is extremely participatory and engrossing so that there is deep impact on the trainees. Both modules are available in 2-day and 3-day design formats.

Following the training, these trainers are being successfully deployed in training programmes at the provincial level. Leadership and ethics are at the core of civil services across all countries of the world.  Other countries could also benefit from services of this pool of trainers that has been developed by the Government of India and is being used within the country.

Further information on the training that can be provided by the trainers and the list of trainers can be accessed as per details given below –

1. A short note introducing both the trainings Skills and Ethics.pdf

2. The list of trainers for the training on ethics

3. The list of trainers for the training on leadership

4. Two day design of the training on ethics that can be delivered by the trainers Design.pdf

5. Three day design of the training on ethics that can be delivered by the trainers Design.pdf

6. Two and three day design of the training on leadership that can be delivered by the trainers.

We would be happy to facilitate deployment of the trainers in conducting trainings on ethics and leadership in institutions across your countries. Please contact us in case any further information is required.

Kind regards,

Sumeeta Banerji
Assistant Country Director & Head (Democratic Governance)
United Nations Development Programme
55, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi - 110003

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