Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (27 Nov 2015)
27 November 2015 Today's top story Kenya: Pope warns Kenyan youths against 'sugar of corruption' Reuters Pope Francis urged young Kenyans on Friday not to succumb to the sweet lure of corruption, and urged them to help those tempted by "fanatical" ideologies. |
More news Global: Bitcoin's journey from money laundering appeal to teaching the banks Australian Financial Review China: Chinese activist Yang Maodong jailed for six years BBC China: King Coal’s misrule Economist Dominican Republic: Participación condena represión del Gobierno contra manifestantes anti corrupción (Participación condemns government repression of anti-corruption protesters) 7 Días (TI mention) El Salvador: El Salvador breaks up corruption ring of judges, lawyers Associated Press Ukraine: Corruption allegations magnify discord in president's camp Kyiv Post Vietnam: Vietnamese law to allow corrupt officials will escape death penalty if they pay back bribes Associated Press |
Blogs and opinion Canada: Corruption in the green energy sector costs Ontarians Huffington Post Fiji: Ridding corruption The Fiji Times (TI mention) |
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On the web: How transparent are telecommunications companies?Press release: Fighting corruption to be at the forefront of the Commonwealth