[ap-intact] INFO: UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub launches anti-corruption web page

UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) has launched an anti-corruption web page. The page shares information on how UNDP BRH supports UNDP country offices in Asia-Pacific, as well as national governments, regional intergovernmental institutions, and civil society organizations in promoting transparency, accountability and anti-corruption. Users will find the page a convenient 'one-stop' source for related anti-corruption stories, videos, blogs, news bits, resources, publications, and social media activities.

Visit the UNDP BRH anti-corruption web page at http://www.asia-pacific.undp.org/content/rbap/en/home/ourwork/democratic-governance-and-peacebuilding/responsive-and-accountable-institutions/anti-corruption/

For more information about UNDP BRH's anti-corruption web page, please contact: Elodie Beth, Regional Anti-Corruption Advisor (elodie.beth@undp.org) or Mahtab Haider, Communications Specialist (mahtab.haider@undp.org).

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