[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: 'It's time to internationalise Hong Kong's anti-corruption laws'
"Failure to criminalise foreign bribery represents the largest gap in the Hong Kong law. Under US and UK law, paying bribes anywhere in the world can be punished at home. Not in Hong Kong. Unlike the US Department of Justice or the UK Serious Fraud Office, our Department of Justice can turn a blind eye to bribery abroad committed by Hongkongers."
More from Bryane Michael, in South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/1882409/letter-law-its-time-internationalise-hong-kongs-anti
More from Bryane Michael, in South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/1882409/letter-law-its-time-internationalise-hong-kongs-anti