[ap-intact] INFO: Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (20 Nov 2015) - Vanuatu, PNG, Fiji

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Annika Wythes, Luisa Senibulu, Samita Singh, and Mihaela Stojkoska of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project for sharing these updates.]
Vanuatu Conspiracy Inquiry Put Back Two Weeks.
The preliminary inquiry into conspiracy charges against 11 Vanuatu MPs has been adjourned until 27th November by the Port Vila Magistrates Court. http://pidp.eastwestcenter.org/pireport/2015/November/11-16-15.htm

Call for a Whistleblower policy. The Papua New Guinea Government has been urged to establish a whistleblower policy to ensure people responsible for delivering government services are held accountable. http://www.pina.com.fj/?p=pacnews&m=read&o=918049437564bc2d75f2fc3f7f1a39
Finance Minister’s stay application refused. An application by Papua New Guinea Finance Minister James Marape to disqualify two of the three judges on a three-man Supreme Court bench presiding over his stay application has been refused. http://www.pina.com.fj/?p=pacnews&m=read&o=924514564a406ae2cc252d32bf29bb
Papua New Guinea bans foreign advisers working within government departments. Papua New Guinea has passed regulations banning foreign advisers, who are mainly Australian, from working for government departments. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-16/png-bans-foreign-government-advisers/6944554?section=world

Ex-FIRCA officer on bribery. A hearing date has been set for a former senior Customs officer charged with bribery related offences. Rajit Sen’s hearing will be on the 9th of May next year. http://www.fbc.com.fj/fiji/34888/ex-firca-officer-on-bribery#sthash.r8kz1eSA.dpuf
Delegated power used wrongly, says Fiji's Naidu. Suva lawyer Richard Naidu says it is clear the Fiji government had no intention of consulting the opposition on some key state appointments. http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/289851/delegated-power-used-wrongly,-says-fiji's-naidu
No nepotism, says Seruiratu. The government yesterday gave an answer to the Opposition's accusations of nepotism within the civil service and statutory organisation. http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=330218

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