Transparemncy International - Daily Corruption News (16 Feb 2015)

Today's top story
Brazil: The $100m man’s guide to Brazilian graft
Financial Times
One October night in 2011 in Milan, Italy, a group of four Brazilian businessmen linked to Petrobras, Brazil’s state-owned oil operator, sat down for dinner with the manager of a Swiss bank, Banque Cramer. On the menu for the Brazilians was allegedly a plan to create one of the most ambitious corruption schemes their country had seen.

More news

Blogs and opinion
Dominican Republic: Seguridad Nacional, narcotráfico y financiamiento político (National security, drug trafficking and political finance)
Indonesia: Indonesia faces a crossroads in corruption battle
Wall Street Journal
Ukraine: Welcome to Ukraine: One of the “biggest kleptocracies in the world”
Huffington Post

News from Transparency International
Web feature: Tackle instability and terrorism by fighting corruption
On the blog: Secrecy breeds corruption

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