[ap-intact] INFO: TI-UK -- Complacency about corruption puts international mission in Afghanistan at risk

[Thank you to UNDP's Global Anti-corruption Initiative (GAIN) for sharing this information.]

The international community’s mission in Afghanistan was undermined by a slow response to corruption threats, a report issued today (17 February) by Transparency International UK’s Defence & Security Programme (TI-DSP) has found.

Corruption damaged the integrity and sustainability of Afghan national institutions, sapped the confidence of Afghan society in the international community and hampered capacity-building efforts. Those efforts also failed to adequately deter the activities of corrupt actors. The report, Corruption: lessons from the international mission in Afghanistan, is based on detailed interviews with 75 people involved in the Afghanistan mission, including members of the international community and Afghan nationals.

The report identifies nine reasons the international community was slow to develop a response to corruption.

Read the story in Transparency International's website: https://www.transparency.org/news/pressrelease/ti_uk_complacency_about_corruption_put_international_mission_in_afghanistan

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