[ap-intact] TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: 6th Senior Executive Certificate in Institutional Integrity Management - Hong Kong

[Facilitator's note: Contributed with thanks by Mr. Tony Kwok, Honorary Course Director and Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education. AP-INTACT shares this information strictly as a service to members. To know more, you may click on the link below. Please do not send your query or application to AP-INTACT. AP-INTACT is not responsible for the accuracy of the posted information and assumes no liability for the registration and programme practices/decisions of the sponsoring organisation.]

The Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) will offer the “6th Senior Executive Certificate in Institutional Integrity Management” programme from 14-24 April 2015 in Hong Kong.  Based on the Hong Kong successful model, this 9-days course is developed to train and prepare professional Institutional Integrity Officer. It aims to equip participants with both professional knowledge and skills for strengthening the institutional integrity profile of their organizations (either public or private) and hence enhance their capabilities to safeguard their organizations against corruption and internal fraud.  It consists of three integrated modules: (1) Institutional Framework for Controlling Corruption; (2) Corruption & Fraud Prevention and Education; and, (3) Detection and Investigation of Corrupt Practices and Fraud. This course is also ideal for anti-corruption officials who cannot afford the time to attend the full three weeks intensive Postgraduate Certificate in Corruption Studies programme in Hong Kong, as it would cover most of the key components of that course. This programme is now inviting applications from around the world.

For further details, the programme booklet can be found at


and the programme details at


The deadline for registration has been extended to 3 March 2015 to accommodate late applications.  If you would like us to reserve places, kindly let us know at your earliest convenience.

Welcome to Hong Kong

Tony Kwok, SBS, IDS
  Adjunct Professor & Hon Course Director
  Welcome to my homepage : www.kwok-manwai.com
  Email : tony@kwok-manwai.com

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